I'm Committed To Stay In Alignment With God's Purpose For Me.

My Job And Priority Is To Serve People. 

Good to see you!

After working 5 years in various ICUs in the hospital, I've observed too many patients have poor outcomes despite all the drug treatments and advanced surgical experiments they were getting. Seeing what I saw made me question if that would be my or my family's future too one day. I couldn't imagine my wife or my kids suffering like I saw. I knew deep inside there had to be a reason why so many people were having traumatic medical emergencies such as strokes, heart attacks, cancers, multiple organs failing, and major surgeries. So, I started searching for ways to help myself and those who genuinely wanted to transform their lives. My desire to help others was the reason I went into healthcare in the first place.

Through my research and my own raw living food lifestyle journey, I have learned that the human biology performs best with the right mindset, proper nutrition, and how well the detox and elimination pathways work. The harder it becomes for the body to get rid of toxins and waste the more diseased it becomes. The great benefits of switching over to this lifestyle have given me a unique prospective. I experienced a shift in mindset and how I could really serve people instead of the work I was doing. Now, I coach people to heal themselves instead of just managing the diseased state they're in. I know I can better serve others by being accountable to them. I'm a truth seeker and believe in sharing what I've learned with the people who want to change their lives. Life does not have to end from the trauma of medical emergencies or major surgeries.

I am an honest, generous, and loving leader. I really look forward to working with the people who believe I may be of service to them. I want people to know they have the choice, and that it is up to them to decide how they want to live. I want people to know they can go from being weak and sickly to being strong and full of vitality.