Lock In Your True Wealth

Everyone has a unique health and life journey. If you're currently suffering from disease the truth is you can improve your health if you choose to be in control. Having great health is one of the pillars to lead a great life. If you want great health, vitality, spiritual connection, longevity then a raw vegan lifestyle is calling you.


Once you make up your mind investing in the right community can provide the support and the accountability you'll need to reach your goals. This will create more freedom in your life. There is room for you and everyone who chooses to thrive on every level.

Welcome! Nice to meet you.

I'm Christly.

After almost 5 years in healthcare, I've become overwhelmed with how sick people are. I've come to the realization that unfortunately a lot people have just given up on themselves. Even with so many advanced surgical experiments and drug treatments it seems millions are still experiencing very poor health outcomes. All this made me question if this would be my or my family's future too. This thought left me very unsettled.

I knew deep inside there had to be a reason so many people were so horribly diseased. I understand enough of the human biology to know that it is not broken as so many advertise. It is designed to thrive in every aspect from conception as long as its needs are met. Yes, we might have the need to make some corrections here and there but it doesn't have to end up in the horror we hear about all the time.

I started searching for ways to help myself and those who genuinely wanted healthier lives. I've come to understand, although genetics plays a role, that disease is predominantly due to the lifestyle choices we make. I want you to know that you can be very healthy and thrive using very simple steps when you choose to follow them. You can experience incredible vitality, and live gratefully.

My research led me to explore a raw living foods lifestyle. I started my journey with eating only fresh fruits, smoothies and beautiful salads for about 6 weeks. I then did a 40 day juice fast which completely changed my life. I released about 12lbs of waste and felt reinvigorated. I started looking for communities where this was working and found many people who are thriving on a raw vegan lifestyle. I started connecting with others in the raw vegan community and found they were all looking to thrive as human beings just as I was.

The results I've been able to achieve through consistency and community support is remarkable. I have not wavered once since I started because I have been thriving in ways I've never experienced before, and people are noticing. Prior going to going 100% raw vegan I chose to follow a whole foods plants based vegan for about a year and a half.I struggled with contact skin dermatitis, a terrible skin inflammation disease. I was able to manage my symptoms with medications but would still experience flare ups regardless. I no longer suffer from that. I have realized that my rapid healing is a result of what I have omitted from my diet, all cooked foods and animals products. I am convinced that raw living foods can heal others of disease as well. Friends and family questioned what I was doing even though they were intrigued by the great changes they saw happening. They started asking me for guidance and support. This demand has led me to create my true purpose work, my own coaching business. I based it on my personal experiences living 100% raw vegan. This lifestyle has allowed me to create a service that is based on accountability, trust and respect for those who want to achieve Grateful Vitality Living. I want people to know they have the choice and that it is on them to decide how they want to live. Disease doesn't have to ruin your life and legacy. A raw living food lifestyle is the path to great health, vitality, and prosperity.